'T-SQL'에 해당되는 글 26건
- 2010.04.04 T-SQL::특정 objects 찾기
- 2010.03.15 복제::잘못 삭제 했을 경우
- 2010.03.14 CPU에 할당된 Task 보기 1
- 2009.12.28 복제::트랜잭션 복제 배포agent 실행중 상태 모니터링
- 2009.12.01 T-SQL::Attach 1
- 2009.11.27 T-SQL::테이블 ROWCOUNT, 사이즈
- 2009.11.19 T-SQL::Index Script 1
- 2009.11.19 T-SQL::List all indexes in database
- 2009.08.13 T-SQL::Total Disk Size 얻기 (OLE 사용) 1
- 2009.07.20 DeadLock 발생 원인 찾기
- 2009.07.10 복제::article 상세 속성 정보
T-SQL::특정 objects 찾기
In the course of any database development project, searching for database objects is something you will probably do. It can be any kind of search which is done using some text as the search mechanism. Some of the examples of search that a developer / DBA may make within a database or database server are: searching for a database object, searching for occurance of particular text within database objects, searching within the schema of a database object, search within the results of query results or entire tables, etc..
In this tip, we look at different mechanisms that can be used to facilitate this type of searching.
Searching is generally required across database objects, across databases, and also across database servers. There are different mechanism that can be used for different kinds of search requirements. For this tip I will be using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2008.
We will look at four different ways for our search that cover various search requirements.
- SSMS Object Search
- T-SQL Scripts
- SQL Search Add-in
- SSMS Tools Pack Add-in
As a part of the enhancements in SSMS 2008, object explorer details window has a nice object search toolbar which allows context sensitive searching of database objects. As show in the below screenshot, I attempted searching database object named "Address". It fetched all the tables that it found with the same name. But there can be many database object having the text "Address" within it, or "Address" text can also appear in the definition of the database object. Also you can use '%' as a wild card character along with the text that you want to search in the same way as you use it with "like" for T-SQL.
2) T-SQL Scripts:
This one is the most flexible to search anything you would like to search within your database server. Using this mechanism, you have the flexibility to interrogate any schema or data level information that you would like, but the only down-side is that you need to create code and create a set of scripts to search across databases. You can create parameterized stored procedures to faciliate the search. But if a change is required, either you need to create your stored procedures with all the parameters based on how you would like to slice and dice your search or you will need to change the code.
In the below screen-shot, I attempted searching the text "Address" within "AdventureWorks" database. I found a stored-procedure containing "Address" text within it's name. Then I created a query to search text "Address" within all the stored-procedures in this database. There is no limit to the kind of scripts that can be created for searching using this technique as long as you know which catalog views to use.
3) SQL Search Add-in:
This is a free SSMS add-in from Red Gate Software and can be downloaded from here. Once installed, it becomes visible on the toolbar. This search requires no explanation and the benefit is that you just type the text and see the results. You can also limit the scope for a database or type of database objects as per your requirement. It also shows you if the text you are searching for appeared in the name of the database object and definition of the database object.
In the screenshot below, you can see that I attempted searching "Address" keyword within "AdventureWorks" database, and then tried locating the stored procedure that we looked at using the T-SQL Script. It shows this stored procedure twice in the search result, as "Address" is a part of the name of this stored procedure and also "Address" appears in the definition of the stored procedure. Not only does it list the object, but also highlights the places where the text appeared in the definition.
The only downside is that it won't can not copy the search results from the grid. I have requested this feature from Red Gate Software and I heard back that there is a good possibility that this feature will get added.
4) SSMS Tools Pack Add-in:
This is another free SSMS add-in and can be downloaded from here. After installation, it can be accessed from the object explorer by right-clicking as shown below. Also at context specific areas, it is availalbe by right-clicking. If we extend our search to the next level, say we want to search the entire database including all tables and every column for a text that contains "Napa", and we need a report of the same. See the screen-shot below, where I did a right-click on database and did a search on the entire database data for any text that contains the word "Napa". This add-in has a lot of featuers, I leave it to the reader to browse the rest of these features.
'T-SQL' 카테고리의 다른 글
SQL Server 2005 and 2008 Ranking Functions (0) | 2010.04.05 |
DMV::Index (0) | 2010.04.05 |
T-SQL::Attach (1) | 2009.12.01 |
T-SQL::테이블 ROWCOUNT, 사이즈 (0) | 2009.11.27 |
복제::잘못 삭제 했을 경우
복제 삭제
- 방법 1: http://msdn.microsoft.com/ko-kr/library/ms152757.aspx
- 방법 2: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/324401
이상하게 잘 못 삭제했을 경우
select replinfo,* from sysobjects where replinfo = 0 을 찾아서 입력합니다.
sp_removedbreplication [ [ @dbname = ] 'dbname' ] [ , [ @type = ] type ]
- [ @dbname=] 'dbname'
- 데이터베이스의 이름입니다. dbname은 sysname이며 기본값은 NULL입니다. NULL인 경우 현재 데이터베이스를 사용합니다.
- [ @type = ] type
- 데이터베이스 개체를 제거 중인 복제의 유형입니다. type은 nvarchar(5)이며 다음 값 중 하나일 수 있습니다.
- tran
- 트랜잭션 복제 게시 개체를 제거합니다.
- merge
- 병합 복제 게시 개체를 제거합니다.
- both(기본값)
- 모든 복제 게시 개체를 제거합니다.
게시& 배포자가 먼저 삭제되고 구독이 남아 있을 경우
'Replication' 카테고리의 다른 글
복제::스냅숏 DB를 사용한 게시 초기화 (0) | 2010.06.04 |
복제::지연된 명령어 확인 (0) | 2010.04.13 |
복제::트랜잭션 복제 배포agent 실행중 상태 모니터링 (0) | 2009.12.28 |
Error::복제 에러로그 (1) | 2009.11.23 |
CPU에 할당된 Task 보기
SQL SERVER 2005 이상
CPU에 해당하는 Task 보기
select ss.scheduler_id ,ss.parent_node_id,object_name(sql_text.objectid, sql_text.dbid) as 'SP명' ,ses.session_id , ses.host_name , ses.program_name , ses.client_interface_name ,ses.login_name ,substring(sql_text.text,sr.statement_start_offset/2, (case when sr.statement_end_offset = -1 then len(convert(nvarchar(max), sql_text.text)) * 2 else sr.statement_end_offset end - sr.statement_start_offset)/2) as query from sys.dm_os_schedulers as ss with (nolock) inner join sys.dm_os_tasks as st with (nolock) on ss.scheduler_id = st.scheduler_id inner join sys.dm_exec_requests as sr with (nolock) on st.request_id = sr.request_id inner join sys.dm_exec_sessions as ses with (nolock) on sr.session_id = ses.session_id cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sr.sql_handle) as sql_text -- where ss.parent_node_id = 2 -- numa 노드에서 실행되는 쿼리 -- where ss.scheduler_id = 24 -- cpu 스케줄에 할당된 쿼리
'Monitoring' 카테고리의 다른 글
Admin::Tempdb 의 작업, 모니터링 (0) | 2011.01.30 |
T_SQL::SP_WHO2 + DBCC (0) | 2010.06.03 |
DBCC FLUSHPROCINDB (0) | 2010.02.04 |
DeadLock 발생 원인 찾기 (0) | 2009.07.20 |
복제::트랜잭션 복제 배포agent 실행중 상태 모니터링
작업으로 인해 배포자 agent를 중지하고 작업 처리후 시작하는 것을 잊어버리는 수가 있다. 혹은 다른 문제로 인해 배포 agent가 실행되고 있지 않을때,
오래 동안 실행되지 않으면 복제가 실패되어 다시 구축해야 하는 경우가 발생한다.
아래 쿼리는 배포 agent 실행여부를 확인하여 메일이나 SMS를 받을 수 있게 처리하는 것이다.
이또는 해당 job이 실행되고 있거나 오래 실행되는것도 찾을 수 있다.
[code sql] DECLARE @is_sysadmin INT DECLARE @job_owner sysname DECLARE @job_id uniqueidentifier DECLARE @job_name sysname DECLARE @running int DECLARE @cnt int DECLARE @msg varchar(8000) DECLARE @msg_header varchar(4000) DECLARE @categoryid int SELECT @job_owner = SUSER_SNAME() ,@is_sysadmin = 1 ,@running = 0 ,@categoryid = 10 -- Distributor jobs CREATE TABLE #jobStatus (job_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, last_run_date INT , last_run_time INT , next_run_date INT , next_run_time INT , next_run_schedule_id INT , requested_to_run INT , request_source INT , request_source_id sysname COLLATE database_default NULL, running int , current_step INT , current_retry_attempt INT , job_state INT) INSERT INTO #jobStatus EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs @is_sysadmin, @job_owner--, @job_id -- select j.name, js.command, jss.running from msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps js join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j on js.job_id = j.job_id join #jobStatus jss on js.job_id = jss.job_id where step_id = 2 and subsystem = 'Distribution' and command like '%-Continuous' and jss.running <> 1 -- Not running [/code]
'Replication' 카테고리의 다른 글
복제::지연된 명령어 확인 (0) | 2010.04.13 |
복제::잘못 삭제 했을 경우 (0) | 2010.03.15 |
Error::복제 에러로그 (1) | 2009.11.23 |
복제::Snaphort DB 이용한 데이터 초기화. (0) | 2009.07.17 |
Attach 스크립트 만들기
--========================================== --DB 복원 --========================================== SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) DECLARE @sql_move nvarchar(max) DECLARE @move nvarchar(200) DECLARE @dbid int SET @sql_move = '' SET @sql = '' DECLARE cur_restore CURSOR FOR SELECT dbid , 'CREATE DATABASE ' + name + ' ON' + char(13) FROM sys.sysdatabases WHERE dbid > 4 and NAME != 'LiteSpeedLocal' ORDER BY name OPEN cur_restore FETCH NEXT FROM cur_restore INTO @dbid, @sql_move WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @move = '' DECLARE cur_move CURSOR FOR select '(NAME = ''' + name + ''', FILENAME = ''' + filename + '''),' from sys.sysaltfiles where dbid = @dbid OPEN cur_move FETCH NEXT FROM cur_move INTO @move WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @sql_move = @sql_move + @move + char(13) FETCH NEXT FROM cur_move INTO @move END CLOSE cur_move DEALLOCATE cur_move SET @sql = @sql + @sql_move + 'FOR ATTACH' + char(13) -- select @sql print @sql set @sql = '' FETCH NEXT FROM cur_restore INTO @dbid, @sql_move END CLOSE cur_restore DEALLOCATE cur_restore
'T-SQL' 카테고리의 다른 글
DMV::Index (0) | 2010.04.05 |
T-SQL::특정 objects 찾기 (0) | 2010.04.04 |
T-SQL::테이블 ROWCOUNT, 사이즈 (0) | 2009.11.27 |
T-SQL::Index Script (1) | 2009.11.19 |
T-SQL::테이블 ROWCOUNT, 사이즈
테이블의 rowcount와 예약된 공간, 인덱스 공간 사이즈.
sp_spaceused 를 사용해도 되지만, 테이블 여러개를 한번에 조회시 사용하면 좋다.
--================================== -- DB 테이블 목록, row수 ceusee -- ================================= DECLARE @tablename sysname SET @tablename = '' SELECT sys.name, ind.row_count ,convert(int,(sum(convert(numeric(15,2),reserved) * m.low /1024))) as 'reserved(KB)' ,convert(int,(sum(convert(numeric(15,2),used) * m.low /1024))) as 'indexp(KB)' FROM sys.sysobjects as sys join sys.dm_db_partition_stats as ind on sys.id = ind.object_id join sysindexes as i on i.id = ind.object_id ,master.dbo.spt_values as m WHERE sys.type = 'U' and ind.index_id < 2 and m.number = 1 and m.type = 'E' and i.indid in (0,1,255) and sys.name = @tablename ) GROUP BY sys.name, ind.row_count
'T-SQL' 카테고리의 다른 글
T-SQL::특정 objects 찾기 (0) | 2010.04.04 |
T-SQL::Attach (1) | 2009.12.01 |
T-SQL::Index Script (1) | 2009.11.19 |
T-SQL::List all indexes in database (0) | 2009.11.19 |
T-SQL::Index Script
현재 존재하는 Index 스크립트 생성.
T-SQL::List all indexes in database 에 관련 함수, view 생성해야함.
'T-SQL' 카테고리의 다른 글
T-SQL::Attach (1) | 2009.12.01 |
T-SQL::테이블 ROWCOUNT, 사이즈 (0) | 2009.11.27 |
T-SQL::List all indexes in database (0) | 2009.11.19 |
T-SQL::Total Disk Size 얻기 (OLE 사용) (1) | 2009.08.13 |
T-SQL::List all indexes in database
데이터 베이스에 있는 모든 인덱스 정보를 보기 위함.
sys.indexes, sys.index_columns, sys.columns 정보를 보면 복합 인덱스 일경우 row가 한개 이상으로 나타나서 한눈에 보기가 힘들다.
select t.name as table_name ,ind.name as index_name, ind.index_id, ic.index_column_id, col.name as column_name from sys.indexes ind inner join sys.index_columns ic on ind.object_id = ic.object_id and ind.index_id = ic.index_id inner join sys.columns col on ic.object_id = col.object_id and ic.column_id = col.column_id inner join sys.tables t on ind.object_id = t.object_id where ind.is_primary_key = 0 and ind.is_unique = 0 and ind.is_unique_constraint = 0 and t.is_ms_shipped = 0 order by t.name, ind.name, ind.index_id, ic.index_column_id
그래서 다음과 같이 처리한다.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetIndexColumnOrder ( @object_id INT, @index_id TINYINT, @column_id TINYINT ) RETURNS NVARCHAR(5) AS BEGIN DECLARE @r NVARCHAR(5) SELECT @r = CASE INDEXKEY_PROPERTY ( @object_id, @index_id, @column_id, 'IsDescending' ) WHEN 1 THEN N' DESC' ELSE N'' END RETURN @r END ;
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetIndexColumns ( @table_name SYSNAME, @object_id INT, @index_id TINYINT ) RETURNS NVARCHAR(4000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @colnames NVARCHAR(4000), @thisColID INT, @thisColName SYSNAME SET @colnames = '[' + INDEX_COL(@table_name, @index_id, 1) + ']' + dbo.GetIndexColumnOrder(@object_id, @index_id, 1) SET @thisColID = 2 SET @thisColName = '[' + INDEX_COL(@table_name, @index_id, @thisColID) + '] ' + dbo.GetIndexColumnOrder(@object_id, @index_id, @thisColID) WHILE (@thisColName IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SET @thisColID = @thisColID + 1 SET @colnames = @colnames + ', ' + @thisColName SET @thisColName = INDEX_COL(@table_name, @index_id, @thisColID) + dbo.GetIndexColumnOrder(@object_id, @index_id, @thisColID) END RETURN @colNames END ;
CREATE VIEW dbo.V_ALLINDEXES AS SELECT TABLE_NAME = OBJECT_NAME(i.id), INDEX_NAME = i.name, COLUMN_LIST = dbo.GetIndexColumns(OBJECT_NAME(i.id), i.id, i.indid), IS_CLUSTERED = INDEXPROPERTY(i.id, i.name, 'IsClustered'), IS_UNIQUE = INDEXPROPERTY(i.id, i.name, 'IsUnique'), FILE_GROUP = g.GroupName FROM sysindexes i INNER JOIN sysfilegroups g ON i.groupid = g.groupid WHERE (i.indid BETWEEN 1 AND 254) -- leave out AUTO_STATISTICS: AND (i.Status & 64)=0 -- leave out system tables: AND OBJECTPROPERTY(i.id, 'IsMsShipped') = 0 ;
'T-SQL' 카테고리의 다른 글
T-SQL::Attach (1) | 2009.12.01 |
T-SQL::테이블 ROWCOUNT, 사이즈 (0) | 2009.11.27 |
T-SQL::Index Script (1) | 2009.11.19 |
T-SQL::Total Disk Size 얻기 (OLE 사용) (1) | 2009.08.13 |
T-SQL::Total Disk Size 얻기 (OLE 사용)
디스크의 남은 용량은 xp_fixeddrives 를 이용해서 구할 수 있지만 디스크 전체 사이즈를 쉽게 얻기는 쉽지 않다.
여러 방법이 있었는데 그중 OLE 사용하는 방법이다.
이 방법을 사용하기 위해서는 기능 영역에 OLE 자동화 사용이 활성화 되어 있어야 한다.
서비스 되고 있는 DB 장비는 이 기능을 ON 해 놓지 않기에 평범하게 사용할 수는 없다.
(클릭해서 크게 보세요)
Displays the free space,free space percentage
plus total drive size for a server
DECLARE @hr int
DECLARE @fso int
DECLARE @drive char(1)
DECLARE @odrive int
DECLARE @TotalSize varchar(20)
DECLARE @MB bigint ; SET @MB = 1048576
CREATE TABLE #drives (drive char(1) PRIMARY KEY,
FreeSpace int NULL,
TotalSize int NULL)
INSERT #drives(drive,FreeSpace)
EXEC master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives
EXEC @hr=sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject',@fso OUT
IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @fso
FOR SELECT drive from #drives
ORDER by drive
OPEN dcur
EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @fso,'GetDrive', @odrive OUT, @drive
IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @fso
EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @odrive,'TotalSize', @TotalSize OUT
IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @odrive
UPDATE #drives
SET TotalSize=@TotalSize/@MB
WHERE drive=@drive
CLOSE dcur
EXEC @hr=sp_OADestroy @fso
IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @fso
SELECT drive,
FreeSpace as 'Free(MB)',
TotalSize as 'Total(MB)',
CAST((FreeSpace/(TotalSize*1.0))*100.0 as int) as 'Free(%)'
FROM #drives
ORDER BY drive
DROP TABLE #drives
'T-SQL' 카테고리의 다른 글
T-SQL::Attach (1) | 2009.12.01 |
T-SQL::테이블 ROWCOUNT, 사이즈 (0) | 2009.11.27 |
T-SQL::Index Script (1) | 2009.11.19 |
T-SQL::List all indexes in database (0) | 2009.11.19 |
DeadLock 발생 원인 찾기
Deadlock 발생시 원인과 해결법.
1. Deadlock 이유를 알고 싶으면 trace 1204 를 켜 준다.
DBCC Tracestatus(-1) -- 잘 실행되고 있는지 확인
2. Deadlock 발생되면 SQL의 에러로그에 로그가 남게 된다.
Wait-for graph
Node:1 PAG: 9:1:18061 CleanCnt:2 Mode: SIU Flags: 0x2
Grant List 1::
Grant List 2::
Owner:0x27c007e0 Mode: S Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:00000001 SPID:84 ECID:0
SPID: 84 ECID: 0 Statement Type: UPDATE Line #: 11
Input Buf: RPC Event: dbo.Example_Stored_proc
Requested By: 0
ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: IX SPID:78 ECID:0 Ec:(0x44AA55F0) Value:0x3affcd00 Cost:(0/0)
Node:2 PAG: 9:1:18134 CleanCnt:2 Mode: SIU Flags: 0x2
Grant List 1::
Owner:0x28e6f060 Mode: S Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:00000001 SPID:78 ECID:0
SPID: 78 ECID: 0 Statement Type: UPDATE Line #: 11
Input Buf: RPC Event: dbo. Example_Stored_proc
Grant List 2::
Requested By:
ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: IX SPID:84 ECID:0 Ec:(0x239955F0) Value:0x3affc940 Cost:(0/0)
Victim Resource Owner:
Stype:'OR' Mode: IX SPID:84 ECID:0 Ec:(0x239955F0) Value:0x3affc940 Cost
3. 에러로그를 확인해 보면 'Example_stored_proc' 프로시저에서 update 시 exclusive lock 이 발생하고 있다는 것을 확인 할 수 있다.
4. sp_helptext 'Example_stored_proc' 를 실행하여 프로시저의 내용을 확인 한다.
5. 이와 관련있는 프로시저를 확인하고 deadlock 이 발생하는 page를 확인할 수 있다.
Node:1 PAG: 9:1:18061 CleanCnt:2 Mode: SIU Flags: 0x2
6. 해당 페이지를 조사해 본다. , DBCC Page 사용
MSDN : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/83065
BUF @0x01665900
bpage = 0x1DF58000 bhash = 0x00000000 bpageno = (1:18061)
bdbid = 9 breferences = 1 bstat = 0xb
bspin = 0 bnext = 0x00000000
Page @0x1DF58000
m_pageId = (1:18061) m_headerVersion = 1 m_type = 1
m_typeFlagBits = 0x0 m_level = 0 m_flagBits = 0x8000
m_objId = 1013578649 m_indexId = 0 m_prevPage = (0:0)
m_nextPage = (0:0) pminlen = 52 m_slotCnt = 82
m_freeCnt = 3075 m_freeData = 5009 m_reservedCnt = 0
m_lsn = (2689:87968:2) m_xactReserved = 0 m_xdesId = (0:0)
m_ghostRecCnt = 0 m_tornBits = 0
object_id를 알아 낼 수 있다.
7. object 확인
Select object_name(OBJECT_ID)
8. 프로시저에서 해당 object를 확인하고 update 문을 찾아 그대로 update 테스트 해 본다.
이때, 해당 컬럼에 인덱스가 있는지 확인 한다. update 시 인덱스가 없으면 table scan 을 하게되고 exclusive lock 이 발생한다.
9. Key 되는 컬럼에 인덱스를 생성 해 준다.
10. 후에 다시 실행해봐서 deadlock 이 발생하는지 확인 한다.
'Monitoring' 카테고리의 다른 글
Admin::Tempdb 의 작업, 모니터링 (0) | 2011.01.30 |
T_SQL::SP_WHO2 + DBCC (0) | 2010.06.03 |
CPU에 할당된 Task 보기 (1) | 2010.03.14 |
DBCC FLUSHPROCINDB (0) | 2010.02.04 |
복제::article 상세 속성 정보
복제를 구성한 후 article 속성을 셋팅해서 게시 한 경우 추후 Aritical 속성을 확인할때 UI를 통한 확인도 가능하지만 부하가 있는 서버의 복제를 확인할때 UI가 응답 없음으로 될 경우가 있다.
sysarticles 테이블의 schema_option 값에 바이너리 값으로 속성값이 저장되며, 도움말 확인하여 연산해서 속성 확인 가능하다.
(트랜잭션 복제 기준)
,case art.pre_creation_cmd when 0 then '없음' when 1 then 'DROP' when 2 then 'DELETE' when 3 then 'TRUNCATE' end as pre_creation_cmd
,case when (art.schema_option & 4) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'identity_ID열'
,case when (art.schema_option & 16) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'clustered'
,case when (art.schema_option & 32) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'UDT'
,case when (art.schema_option & 64) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'nonclustered'
,case when (art.schema_option & 128) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'PK'
,case when (art.schema_option & 256) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'triggers'
,case when (art.schema_option & 512) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'FK'
,case when (art.schema_option & 1024) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'check'
,case when (art.schema_option & 2048) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'default'
,case when (art.schema_option & 16384) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'unique_const'
,case when (art.schema_option & 134217728) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'ddl'
,case when (art.schema_option & 262144) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'filegroup'
,case when (art.schema_option & 524288) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'partition'
,case when (art.schema_option & 1048576) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'partition_index'
,case when (art.schema_option & 1073741824) > 0 then 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALE' end as 'permissions'
from sysarticles as art
inner join syspublications as pub on art.pubid = pub.pubid
order by pub.pubid
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